Source code for allthingstalk.clients

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# Copyright 2017 AllThingsTalk
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging

import paho.mqtt.client as paho_mqtt
import requests

from .assets import Asset
from .asset_state import AssetState
from .exceptions import AssetStateRetrievalException, AccessForbiddenException

logger = logging.getLogger('allthingstalk')

[docs]class BaseClient: """BaseClient is a base class used for implementing AllThingsTalk Platform clients, which are used for interfacing the SDK code with the Platform. It doesn't implement any of the client methods.""" def _attach_device(self, device): pass def get_assets(self, device_id): raise NotImplementedError('get_assets not implemented') def create_asset(self, device_id, asset): raise NotImplementedError('create_asset not implemented') def get_asset_state(self, device_id, asset_name): raise NotImplementedError('get_asset_state not implemented') def publish_asset_state(self, device_id, asset_name, value): raise NotImplementedError('publish_asset_state not implemented')
[docs]class Client(BaseClient): """Client is the recommended class used for connecting to AllThingsTalk Platform, that uses HTTP and MQTT in the background. By default, it connects to"""
[docs] def __init__(self, token, *, api='', http=None, mqtt=None): """Initializes the Client with an AllThingsTalk token, and optional endpoints. :param str token: AllThingsTalk Token, e.g. a Device Token :param str api: AllThingsTalk API endpoint, shared by HTTP & MQTT :param str http: AllThingsTalk HTTP endpoint. Resolved from api by default :param str mqtt: AllThingsTalk MQTT endpoint. Resolved from api by default """ self.token = token def prefix_http(url): return url if url.startswith('http') else 'https://%s' % url if api.startswith('http://') or api.startswith('https://'): api = api.split('//', 1)[1] # HTTP Client if http: self.http = prefix_http(http) elif api: self.http = prefix_http(api) else: raise ValueError('Either api or http must be set.') # MQTT Client if mqtt: if ':' in mqtt: host, port = mqtt.split(':')[:2] else: host, port = mqtt, '1883' self.mqtt = self._make_mqtt_client(host, port, token) elif api: host, port = host, port = api, '1883' self.mqtt = self._make_mqtt_client(host, port, token) else: self.mqtt = None self._devices = {}
def _make_mqtt_client(self, host, port, token): def on_mqtt_connect(client, userdata, rc): logger.debug('MQTT client connected to %s:%s' % (host, port)) def on_mqtt_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): logger.debug('MQTT client disconnected with status %s' % rc) def on_mqtt_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): pass def on_mqtt_message(client, userdata, message): logger.debug('MQTT client received a message on topic "%s": %s' % (message.topic, message.payload)) parts = message.topic.split('/') _, device_id, _, asset_name, stream = parts self._devices[device_id]._on_message(stream, asset_name, message.payload) client = paho_mqtt.Client() client.username_pw_set(token, token) client.on_connect = on_mqtt_connect client.on_disconnect = on_mqtt_disconnect client.on_message = on_mqtt_message client.on_subscribe = on_mqtt_subscribe client.connect(host, int(port), 60) client.loop_start() return client def _attach_device(self, device): if self.mqtt: logger.debug('Client %s attaching device %s' % (self, for action in ['feed', 'command']: logger.debug('Subscribing to %s\'s %ss' % (, action)) self.mqtt.subscribe('device/%s/asset/+/%s' % (, action)) self._devices[] = device
[docs] def get_assets(self, device_id): """Retrieves assets for the device identified by device_id. :param str device_id: AllThingsTalk Device Identifier :return: Asset list returned by AllThingsTalk API. :rtype: list of Asset """ r = requests.get('%s/device/%s/assets' % (self.http, device_id), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}) if r.status_code == 403: raise AccessForbiddenException('Could not use token "%s" to access device "%s" on "%s".' % (self.token, device_id, self.http)) return [Asset.from_dict(asset_dict) for asset_dict in r.json()]
[docs] def create_asset(self, device_id, asset): """Creates a device asset. :param str device_id: AllThingsTalk Device Identifier :param Asset asset: The asset :return: The asset :rtype: Asset """ attalk_asset = { 'Name':, 'Title': asset.title, 'Description': asset.description, 'Is': asset.kind, 'Profile': asset.profile } asset_dict ='%s/device/%s/assets' % (self.http, device_id), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, json=attalk_asset).json() return Asset.from_dict(asset_dict)
[docs] def get_asset_state(self, device_id, asset_name): """Low-level device asset state retrieval. Most of the time, you should be using device asset getters. :param str device_id: AllThingsTalk Device Identifier :param str asset_name: Asset name :return: The Asset state :rtype: AssetState """ r = requests.get('%s/device/%s/asset/%s/state' % (self.http, device_id, asset_name), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}) if r.status_code != 200: raise AssetStateRetrievalException() response_json = r.json() return AssetState( value=response_json['state']['value'], at=response_json['state']['at'])
[docs] def publish_asset_state(self, device_id, asset_name, state): """Low-level device asset state publishing. Most of the time, you should be using device asset setters. :param str device_id: AllThingsTalk Device Identifier :param str asset_name: Asset name :param AssetState state: The asset state """ if isinstance(state, AssetState): json_state = {'value': state.value, 'at':} else: json_state = {'value': state} requests.put('%s/device/%s/asset/%s/state' % (self.http, device_id, asset_name), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, json=json_state)
def __del__(self): try: self.mqtt.loop_stop(force=True) except: pass